The Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme is a new initiative led by various industry participants, sponsored by the government in the form of Ofgem, focused on trying to help the UK transition to a flexible, clean retail electricity market.
We’ve put together this piece to give a more general overview of the programme, potential benefits of MHHS to your business and how it’s working to contribute towards the goals of Net Zero – hopefully by its goal date of May 2027!
What is MHHS going to do?
The core mechanism at the centre of the MHHS programme is the concept of accurate usage data being sent to energy providers every half hour from smart meters, enhancing efficiency for suppliers, reducing bills for customers and increasing general innovation across the industry. MHHS is also focused on reducing our carbon footprint in the effort to reach Net Zero.
Who is bringing MHHS to life?
Of course, Ofgem, significant participants in the Net Zero scheme, are sponsoring the programme, however, there are many other parties taking part in the rollout of MHHS.
One of the most prevalent is Elexon – leading delivery as Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) and MHHS Implementation Manager (IM).
Retail Energy Code Company
This non-profit organisation runs and operates the UK retail energy code. They’re ensuring that MHHS processes operate within these rules of operation in the market.
The broader industry
Much like Net Zero, the programme can only roll out successfully with the participation of many other industry bodies. This means suppliers, agents and distinct service providers getting involved in everything from development to final decision-making.
With these leaders running the show and the participation of countless UK parties, the MHHS programme should be well on its way to achieving its timely goals.
What will the benefits of MHHS be for your business?
The benefits of the MHHS are intended to span far and wide, encompassing economic to environmental and everything in between. In terms of how it might benefit your business, the top benefits will include:
Businesses will use smart meters to have a better opportunity to measure, analyse and understand their energy consumption, allowing for better efficiency at a granular level
This access to granular data will allow businesses to better manipulate said data, such as creating visualisations for presentations and investment opportunities
The accurate, timely settlements from half-hourly meter reads will help businesses to understand consumption, predict demand and generally lower their energy bills
All of these elements will contribute towards improved business efficiency, allowing companies to contribute effectively in the transition to Net Zero
To gain accurate half-hourly data insights to help manage your energy, the first step is getting your smart meter from D-ENERGi.
At this stage, the programme is in the testing phase, well on its way to begin the real rollout of smart meters and more in September 2025 lasting 18 months for full operations by May 2027. If you’re more interested in learning about the industry from a real contributor to clean energy, check out our blog today.
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There are around 17,000 care homes in the UK and they all need a reliable supply of energy. However, care home energy concerns can get in the way of proper care provision, especially with public spending declining regularly. The challenges facing care homes span far and wide, especially in the case of non-profit and NHS-run organisations.
In this piece, we’re going to focus on the concerns surrounding energy when running a care home, expanding on why they’re so relevant and offering some insight into how they might be solved.
Fixed budgets
Having a limited budget is a widespread concern, especially in council-run care homes. Countless different elements contribute to care home energy costs, making it hard for smaller operations to keep up with bills. Alongside energy bills, care homes also have to pay for:
Staffing different departments
Food for residents and staff
Building mortgages/rent
Any entertainment elements (TV packages/streaming services)
Rare & regular care home maintenance jobs
Keeping up with all of these costs, alongside energy bills, can be challenging with a smaller budget. Having to prioritise certain elements over others is a painful process that will ultimately have a negative impact on the residents.
Comfort & climate
The elderly residents of care homes are far more vulnerable to low temperatures, which can drive up energy bills considerably. Running a care home requires warmth, and with heating bills impacting everyone in the country, the crisis is particularly impactful on these operations.
Maintaining quality of care
As touched upon above, running a care home involves a lot of moving parts, which is why energy bills amid the crisis can make it a lot harder to maintain a certain standard of care. Being under financial instability makes it harder for care homes to operate in general, which in turn can discourage people from choosing specific homes, contributing to a cycle of financial strife.
Tips for combatting rising care home energy costs
With energy costs so high, it’s important to understand how to become more efficient when running a care home. This will make it easier to manage the bills and ensure high level of care quality.
Invest in better insulation for the property – it will cost money in the short term but save on the amount of heating required in the long run
Use smart technology such as smart LED lightbulbs, thermostatic radiator valves and smart thermostats to minimise unnecessary consumption
Generally installing more energy efficient appliances and technologies, such as kettles (sure to see a lot of action in a care home!)
Switch to a greener energy source such as solar or wind power – these renewable sources are generally cheaper and more efficient
If you’re facing challenges with a care home energy budget, it could be time to switch tariffs to a different provider. By choosing a business energy provider like D-Energi, you could find a more sustainable, more competitive priced alternative to your current provision. Check out our site for more information and keep caring!
Talk to our experts today for competitive business energy quotes today!
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