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19 Dec

Half Hourly Electricity Meters

by Pace Chan
Essentially, any UK business with peak loads of more than 100,000kWh of electricity per year will typically have an half hourly (HH) meter installed. Half hourly meters can also be referred to as 00 meters. HH record data from consumption every 30 minutes – this information is communicated to the energy supplier. We will break down half hourly meters as best we can to hopefully ease your mind. Half hourly meters can be found everywhere   Ranging from call centres, manufacturing sites, supermarkets all the way to sites which consume as much as places like Manchester Airport, half hourly meters can be found everywhere! Over 160,000 sites are affected by this so it is definitely worth checking if you are part of this large number, further explanation on finding out how can be found below. If your site requires a HH it is vital you have a Meter Operator (MOP). MOP is an organisation in the energy industry who hold the responsibility for installing and maintaining electricity and gas meters. They also provide the technical meter details to the Data Collector to enable collection of consumption data. A HH Data Collector is in charge of collecting HH consumption data from the meter. The data is then certified and passed to the supplier for billing. HH meters allow you to understand your consumption and provides you with a reliable source of information for your businesses energy management. What more could you ask for? HH meters can be a great way to save your business money. Finding out if you have a HH meter is easy All you have to do is check the number next to your supply number marked ‘S’ – if the number reads 00 then you have a half-hourly meter.   Pricing for HH can vary. The following charges may appear on your bill if you have a HH Meter: Energy Charges: We offer fixed price contract means you know precisely how much you will pay every month and can budget accordingly. Once you are on a HH meter, you should never receive an estimated bill. This is measured in kWh. Capacity Charges: this charge relates to the Available Capacity for your site. The Average Capacity is the demand for your site which is agreed with the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and they ensure this is available to you. Reactive Power Charge: this is the difference between the working power and the total power consumed. If a site has a high reactive power, more current has to flow to provide the same output. This means more capacity has to be provided, potentially increasing costs for DNO.   Our dedicated Account Manager will get to know and understand your business, we will provide you with tailormade solutions and any information that can save your energy bills. If you would like to know more about half hourly meters, please visit here. Switch and save with D-ENERGi, get your free quote today.
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As we head into 2024, it’s time to look ahead and see what research predicts may be in store for us this year when it comes to business energy predictions. The good news is that new research on this front predicts that there will be a decrease in the cost of energy for businesses in 2024. This decrease will be, for the most part, as a result of the likelihood of a fall in the wholesale energy price. From September 2023 to the start of January, the wholesale price of energy has seen figures drop to a point where they are 47% lower. According to industry analysts, this fall is mainly attributed to very strong storage reserves, favourable patterns in the weather and improved supply accessibility. And whilst these same analysts may not be able to fully predict the future, it is very clear that these are all factors that will help to ride-out any shocks to the system that may happen and that will result in a market that is less volatile.   Third party costs Unfortunately, the predictions for third party costs, distribution and transition costs are that they are likely to remain at levels that are much higher when compared with any historical data. This means that any changes, even small ones, will have an impact. All in all, what this means for businesses is that whilst the total cost will fall in 2024 for their business energy usage, third party costs will be higher and ultimately bills will still be higher than they were before the price crisis.   Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) The fixed tariff for summer 2024 (April to September) was shared back in April 2023, together with the draft winter 2024 tariff. From this, we already know that the projected costs of BSUoS will be reduced over the coming year   Contracts for Difference (CfD) The Levy for CfD has had some significant fluctuations, which were to be expected. However, due to a drop in wholesale energy prices, the average CfD forecast shows a price increase; although predicting further into the future this is expected to fall in 2024/25. Moving further into the year There may be a glimmer of hope for business energy users as we look further into the future where pricing is concerned. Since April and the last TPC Guide, there has been an emergence of the Energy Bills Discount Scheme which should start having an impact. Additionally, the forthcoming review from Ofgem with regard to the non-domestic supply market is being seen as a possible turning point. This, however, will not take place until the autumn. The expectation is that the new Autumn Third Party Costs Guide will outline an accelerated pace of modifications and some significant code reviews. The hope is that whilst this may not have much of an impact in 2024, if we look towards 2024/2025 it is possible to predict that a number of third party costs should experience a decrease. There may also be a range of fluctuations and possible changes as well as some increase to TPCs.   For the latest energy tariffs, do get in touch with D-ENERGi for the expertise and experience. For more energy saving tips and advice on how to improve the energy efficiency of your business premises, check out more of our D-ENERGi blogs.
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12 Dec

Tips for Finding the Cost-effective Business Electricity Rates

by Pace Chan
Are you concerned that you might be paying an excessive amount on your business electricity bill? It is crucial to understand the components of your bill, such as the business electricity per kWh and other charges, in order to assess whether you’re getting the best deal. If you’re uncertain how the energy bill was calculated. We’ll explain the standing charge and unit rate of the energy bill. To ensure that you’re securing the most cost-effective business electricity rates per kwh, here are four tips to consider: Standing charge Regardless of how much gas or electricity you use, your standing charge will not adjust to your consumption as it is a fixed amount that you are charged each day. This typically £ per day, or pence per day subject to the size of your meter. Unit rate this is the price you agree to pay per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy, this will make up most cost of your bill. OFGEM have made it mandatory for electricity suppliers to display your contract end date, notice period and the electricity per kWh being charged and other factors which contribute to the cost of your electricity bill. Tip 1 Have you just recently moved into the business premises? Business electricity per kWh rates are cheapest when you have an arranged agreement in place. If you do not have an agreement in place rates are typically double. A fixed tariff means your unit rates halt at one price for the extent of the plan – usually 12 months. Your rates would not change regardless of an increase in wholesale prices given by your supplier as your  tariff is fixed. Tip 2 Switch suppliers. Shopping around and looking for a new supplier can benefit you greatly. You’re not obliged to stay with the same supplier forever, cheaper rates could be right in front of your eyes but you just haven’t seen them yet. Compare the business energy prices and get the cost-effective rates from other supplier, you can simply get a quote online by submitting your basic information. Switching to D-ENERGi is quick and easy, we are committed to providing excellent and extraordinary customer service to our customers. Get a free quote today. Tip 3 For you to find the cheapest electricity prices for your business can be assisted by introducing energy efficiency measurements into your business. By doing this, you can accurately see how much electricity you use and therefore you can give precise readings to your future energy provider enabling them to deliver the cheapest rates to you. You can do this by introducing: Smart Meters – Smart meters really do as they say on the tin, by installing one you will find they track your energy usage patterns and allow access to more detailed reports, you will have an idea of how much energy you are using and how you could reduce your consumption. You could also provide the usage to your provider for a quote. Half hourly electricity – is a type of electricity meter that measures how much electricity is being used every half an hour. With half hourly metering, your meter is automatically read, so there is no need for you to remember to send your meter reading to your supplier – enabling more accurate electricity bills to be delivered to you. It allows you see exactly how much electricity they are using at different times of the day, helping you to become more cost effective in using energy.   For further information of business electricity, we invite you to visit our Business Electricity page. Here, you’ll find details to help you get the best quote and switch over to D-ENERGi, Understanding your business electricity bill and actively seeking the best rates can lead to significant cost savings. If you would like to get the best quote on business electricity, please speak with our friendly Customer Services team, contact us today.
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8 Dec

5 Tips for Saving Business Electricity

by Pace Chan
It is more aware of how important it is to find ways to lower business electricity prices and improve business energy efficiency. Key to this could be finding ways to improve energy efficiency in the workplace by saving on business energy. Here are D-ENERGi’s five tips to achieve this:   Your Business Electricity Practices You’ll be surprised but making sure that lights, computers, monitors and any other electric equipment in the office is turned off and not on standby at the end of the work day can save you a big chunk of change. Even something as simple as turning the radiators in your building down a single notch or ensuring the air conditioning isn’t blowing fully can see big savings across the board.   Review Your Energy Tariff Few businesses have the time or energy to put into looking for an alternative energy supply when their contract is due for renewal. As the premier business to business gas and electricity supplier, D-ENERGi are available to consolidate your energy supply into one single, hassle-free payment which can result in huge savings.   Inform Your Staff It’s imperative that your staff are made aware of the importance of being energy efficient. Engaging with your staff – whether via a talk or signs and posters around the premises – can ensure they understand why turning off lights and appliances can help the business become greener.   Energy Champion If your business has tried to put some of these measures in place but staff are still forgetting to switch off, asking for a volunteer Energy Champion could be a great idea. The onus will be on them to ensure that everything is off at the end of the day and can also be responsible for you meeting energy saving targets.   Maintain Your Premises Ensuring your business premises is in great condition can mean big savings for your business. This means that draughty windows are replaced with double glazing, doors are fitted to keep the cold out and heat in, and leaky taps and pipes are secured. Making these subtle changes can result in big savings on your business energy bills. Just making these simple changes and practices across your business premises can result in big reduction of business energy prices. We always available to provide advice and assistance on tailormade solutions, improve energy efficiency and reduce your business energy prices. Get the best business electricity rates from us or call us on 0800 781 7626 today for more information.
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